Monday, October 5, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sand drawing Noah's Ark

It's a wonderful and amazing sand drawing film of Taipei Zoo of Taiwan.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Teacher's Day

Yesterday(Sept. 28, 2009) was Teacher's Day. In the morning we have activities to celebrate this day. Students perform song numbers and daning numbers. All of us were very exciting. Futhermore, the principal announced that there was no class in the afternoon. Then everybody bursted into laughter and screaming. It's a wonderful ending of yesterday.^^

Sunday, September 27, 2009

It dumped too much and too soon!

Horrible tropical storm Ondoy dumped heaviest rainfall on metro Manila in more than four decades! The amount rainfall yesterday was more than the average monthly rainfall. And it also took away hundreds people lives and leaved ten thousands families homeless. What a disaster it is! It reminded me the heavy flooding caused by strong typhoons last month in Taiwan. Almost one fourth of Taiwan was underwater and hundreds were killed. Hope God bless Philippines and help Philippines to get through it.

2009 Intramural @ Holy Cross High School

Yesterday was the fourth day and also the last day of 2009 intramural. All games and competitions proceeded smoothly and successfully. This year we have basketball games, futsals, badminton games, table tennis games, volleyball games and also chess. I think students very enjoyed the games and they also had a good time in playing. Good news is nobody got injured in the competitions.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

New Open - First Article

It's hard to believe that I will have a blog one day. Several years ago in Taiwan, I even don't know how to use a computer. :P Thanks God! But it's still very simple in my blog, haha. I think I need to spend more time to figure out what functions else in this blog that I can use. Anyway, I'm very happy to have this new blog. Welcome to my new blog. ^^